Sunday, December 21, 2008

7 Principles of Successful Organizing

1. Keep it Simple ---- the strongest organizations are always the simplest. the more complex you make something, then more likely that one of the arts will break down.

2. Participation: strive for more involvement. ----- people tend to be down on what they are not up on. if youre recognizing an office, open and frequent communication is a must. our ideas are always better than my ideas.

3. Delegation: Make specific assignments. -=---- break down major goals into smaller tasks and match the right people with the right tasks. know what each task involves and know who is best qualified to do it. remember, everyone's responsibility usually ends up being nobody's responsibility.

4. Motivation: Allow for ownership.------- effective organizations allows workers to develop their own areas of tesponsibility without unnecessary interference. giving people at work always increases motivation and improves morale.

5. Cooperation: Encourage Teamwork.---- develop a climate of trust and teamwork - its a characteristics you find in organizations that accomplish the impossible. Henry Ford used to say, " coming together is a progress. thinking together is success!

6. Administration: Supervise the Progress.---- establish clear lines of accountability. people do what is inspected, not just what is expected.

7. Appreciation: Be generous with recognition.----- change is always a stress on people. be sure to recognize and reward the effort of others.!

Tips to be A Successful One... happy reading and apply it in your daily lives..

Merry Christmas!

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