Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lacson speech a 'diversionary tactic' - Jinggoy

MANILA, Philippines -- Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada accused Sen. Panfilo Lacson of diverting the issue because of the latter’s alleged involvement in the Bubby Dacer- Emmanuel Corbito double murder case.

During his privilege speech at the Senate today (Sept. 15), the younger Estrada accused Lacson of telling false and baseless statements against his father.

"Mr. Lacson in desperation is now using the Senate floor to divert attention to Estrada and away from his forthcoming non-bailable murder charge that will be filed against him," he said.

"Mr. Lacson is using the Senate floor... so he can lie to his teeth." he added.

After the brief retort, Lacson stood up to interpolate his colleague but Estrada said the former police chief should just deliver another privilege speech to rebut the remarks.

Lacson, with no chance to make the interpolation, merely made a manifestation, belying claims that the older Estrada did not know Lacson and just "plucked out from obscurity."

"It is inaccurate. We first met when he was still mayor in 1973 when I arrested him after mauling the late Rudy Fernandez. Since then, we knew each other," he said.

In his privilege speech yesterday, Lacson enumerated Estrada’s excesses and criminal activities during his term as president. The accusations ranged from the former chief executive's alleged involvement in smuggling, illegal gambling and the shakedown of a businessman

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